Other Ceremonies

What is a Celebrant?

"A professional celebrant is a qualified and experienced person who helps individuals, couples, families and communities create and perform ceremonies that recognise and celebrate significant events, milestones, and values" - Hans Hill

So that being said, a celebrant not only creates and performs wedding ceremonies, naming ceremonies, renewal of vow ceremonies and funeral ceremonies - but any milestone or significant event in your life!! 

These could include such events or milestones such as:

  A retirement

  A birthday

  An engagement party

  Opening of a new business

  An Invocation - this is a ceremonial statement at the beginning of a special occasion or gathering

  Dedication - When work on a large project is complete and a few words are needed from someone

  Pet ceremonies - a short funeral or memorial

  Pet ceremonies - not to forget the lighthearted dog weddings, and celebration events for the birth of a litter of puppies are now occasionally held.


This list is not exhaustive, but gives you the idea and scope of the Celebrant