Tell each other daily of your love
After marriage do not forget to speak the gentle words you used to say; repeat those kindnesses. Tell each other daily of your love. We never weary of these words ‘I love, I love.’ These are the sweetest sounds the ear has ever heard, and always fresh and new.
Do not take for granted that your wife knows you love her, but often tell her so. She is never so old and grey, but that to tell her you love her as in her earlier day will add youth to looks, and lightness to her step.
No man so far advanced in years, but for his wife to gently smooth his hair, and to tell him of her love,will add lustre to his eye, and strength to limb.
Make little presents now and then, not rich expensive gifts that one could ill afford; not costly jewels, expensive ornaments, nor things quite out of reach. It is the little kindnesses which make love more sweet.
Anna M. Longshore-Potts (1892-1912)